National Impunement Gallery


fifty-three paintings looking at us:
in the room we come and go
talking of michelangelo,
but this is real.
don’t pass distractedly this number,
don’t pretend you didn’t see.
stop. look at their faces. stand there.
fifty-three journalists were killed this year,
fity-three mouths speaking the truth
in a world where truth is not appreciated
and we rather go the next room
talking of a ninja turtle.

Abadullah Hananzai
Abdul Manan Arghand
Abdul Rahman Ismael Yassin
Abdullah al-Qadry
Abdullah Mire Hashi
Achyutananda Sahu
Ahmed Abu Hussein
Ahmed Azize
Aleksandr Rastorguyev
Ali Saleemi
Ángel Eduardo Gahona
Bashar al-Attar
Carlos Domínguez Rodríguez
Chandan Tiwari
Gerald Fischman
Ghazi Rasooli
Hamoud al-Jnaid
Ibrahim al-Munjar
Jairo Sousa
Jamal Khashoggi
Ján Kuciak
Jefferson Pureza Lopes
John McNamara
Juan Javier Ortega Reyes
Kamel abu al-Walid
Kirill Radchenko
Leobardo Vázquez Atzin
Leslie Ann Pamela Montenegro del Real
Maharram Durrani
Mario Leonel Gómez Sánchez
Mohammad al-Qadasi
Mohammad Salim Angaar
Musa Abdul Kareem
Mustafa Salamah
Navin Nischal
Nowroz Ali Rajabi
Obeida abu Omar
Omar Ezzi Mohammad
Orkhan Dzhemal
Paúl Rivas Bravo
Raed Fares
Ramiz Ahmadi
Rob Hiaasen
Sabawoon Kakar
Saleem Talash
Samim Faramarz
Sandeep Sharma
Shah Marai
Shujaat Bukhari
Sohail Khan
Wendi Winters
Yar Mohammad Tokhi
Yaser Murtaja.
Say stop.

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